On Friday's show, I reported on a story out of CBC about Trudeau's cockamamie idea that another major energy company could be interested in acquiring and developing the Trans Mountain Pipeline.

This comes after Kinder Morgan announced that Trans Mountain may be "untenable" due to the political uncertainty plaguing the project.

But why would any major energy company be interested in investing in Trudeau's Canada?

Enbridge had already spent a billion on the Northern Gateway Pipeline, but Trudeau killed it.

TransCanada applied for the Energy East pipeline worth $15.7B, but Trudeau changed the rules after the project already started so it was killed.

With Kinder Morgan, Enbridge, and TransCanada already burned by the Trudeau government, why would he expect another company to signup for the same treatment?

Trudeau apparently thinks Kinder Morgan's "untenable" statement was a bluff to increase their leverage, but with billions of energy investment already leaving Canada why would he think Kinder Morgan is any different?



Pipeline Observer


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