“L3RP does not represent an expansion in capacity – rather, completion will enable Line 3 to once again carry the volumes it did until late 2013.”


As Enbridge embarks on the second season of its epic replacement project, here are some of the facts CAEPLA members and corridor residents have been asking for:


FACT: In addition to laying more than 1,000 kilometres of pipe, the Line 3 Replacement Program also includes installation of:

  • 55 new remotely operated valves;
  • 18 new pump stations and associated infrastructure and equipment;
  • New oil storage tanks, booster pumps and meter banks at the Hardisty Terminal;
  • Interconnections between the facilities and the pipeline.


FACT: Facilities construction is anticipated to be completed this fall at the Metiskow pump station in Alberta; stations at Cactus Lake, Loreburn, Craik, Bethune and Langbank in Saskatchewan and the Cromer Terminal and West Souris station in Manitoba.


FACT: Construction of the remaining facilities is expected to begin at these sites: Kerrobert, Herschel, West Milden and Richardson in Saskatchewan; and Odessa, Glenboro, St. Leon and the Gretna Terminal in Manitoba.


A bit of background:

  • Line 3 has been in service since 1968 and carries a variety of crude oils from western Canada and the Bakken region to markets in Chicago, the U.S. Gulf Coast, the eastern U.S., and refineries in Ontario and Quebec. It runs a total length of about 1,660 km from Edmonton to Superior, Wis.
  • Replacing this vital piece of the Enbridge mainline network will help ensure a continued safe and reliable supply of crude oil that is used in gasoline, diesel, jet fuel and a countless array of consumer products including cosmetics, textiles and plastics.
  • In late 2013, Enbridge voluntarily restricted the pressure of Line 3 to handle about half of its historical capacity of 760,000 barrels per day. The project does not represent an expansion in capacity—rather, completion of the new line will enable it to once again carry the volumes it did prior to the pressure restriction.
  • The newly installed pipe is 91.5 cm (36 inches) in diameter, versus the existing 86-cm (34-inch) line. The reason for the slight increase is not to increase the amount of oil in the pipe, says Enbridge major projects director Guy Krepps, but to conform to modern standard pipeline sizing, which enables more efficient use of sophisticated in-line tools used to inspect and maintain the inside of the pipe.

“Replacement will also reduce the frequency and magnitude of the ongoing maintenance activities that would otherwise occur to maintain the safe operation of Line 3, thus providing significant benefit to landowners, local communities and the environment,” Krepps adds.


Pipeline Observer


Landowner-driven, CAEPLA advocates on behalf of farmers, ranchers, and other rural landowners to promote safety and environmental protection through respect for your property rights.