A pipeline carrying oil, natural gas and condensate between Taylor and a community in Alberta has been proposed to the Canadian Energy Regulator.

New $340.9 million pipeline linking Taylor and Gordondale proposed (energeticcity.ca)

TAYLOR, B.C. — A pipeline carrying oil, natural gas and condensate between Taylor and a community in Alberta has been proposed to the Canadian Energy Regulator.

The Taylor to Gordondale Pipeline Project was proposed on Thursday, April 25th, by Pouce Coupe Pipe Line Ltd., a subsidiary of the Pembina Pipeline corporation headquartered in Calgary.

According to the proposal, the project would see 88 kilometres of 16-inch pipeline built connecting Taylor to Gordondale, Alberta, alongside upgrades to Taylor’s gas park and the Pouce Coupe block valve.

The pipeline would reportedly cross roughly 13 kilometres of Crown land and 75 kilometres of freehold land, running parallel to existing infrastructure for 97 per cent of the route. 

According to the application submitted to the CER by Pembina, the project is estimated to cost $340.9 million.

A timeline for construction hasn’t been revealed yet, but the application says the “commercially required in-service date” would see the pipeline operational by the second quarter of 2027.

View the complete 159-page application below:

Pipeline Observer


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