From the desk of Annette Schinborn, CEO
Some rural municipalities appear to be acting like Fifth Columnists for the UN and WEF.
What did Churchill mean by the fifth column?
A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group or nation from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or another nation.
Be Vigilant
February 2, 2023
Two things happened this weekend.
First, CAEPLA sent out an email to its members within which there was a poll.
One of the questions asked was, “Do you believe there is a global conspiracy against Family Farms?” and along the same lines, “Are fertilizer restrictions about the environment or are they a global corporate land grab?”
The response from everyone who participated in the poll was almost unanimous: “YES.”
The second thing that happened was CAEPLA received a number of emails alerting us to proposed changes in Land Use ByLaws that are happening in Alberta, specifically Thorhild County.
From the notice posted by Careyleigh Theissen, “the County did the (bare minimum) of their due diligence to make people aware of this incoming change…”
CAEPLA has always maintained that it is imperative that all landowners be vigilant in order to protect their property rights.
No one can afford to sit back and rely on any level of government to look out for their best interest.
It is human nature to take the path of least resistance.
This applies to our local government councillors as well.
How many of them actually read and understand the legislation they propose and pass?
The people who run for council who understand what is going on and stand up for what is right cannot do it alone.
They need the people who agree that property rights must be protected to be informed, show up at Council meetings and show support.
During the autumn of 2021, a member of CAEPLA who is on his local council in Manitoba sat in on a committee presentation for a fellow councillor.
He was shocked by the changes that were being proposed by a private company to change Zoning Bylaws in the province of Manitoba that would further restrict development and land uses on property with pipelines.
He contacted CAEPLA and we contacted pipeline companies to see if they were aware of the proposed zoning changes as it would affect them as well.
They were not.
Both the Manitoba Pipeline Landowner Association (MPLA) and the pipeline companies individually contacted the Manitoba Government Planning Dept to make sure these negative changes were not included in Zoning Bylaws.
You are the ones on the ground.
The changes to Land Use Bylaws that are currently happening in Alberta are no doubt happening in Counties and Municipalities across Canada.
Inform yourself of what is happening in your local area.
This is no time to be complacent.
Ask questions of your councillors, attend meetings, join with your neighbours and speak out.
Let CAEPLA know what is happening so that we can make landowners across the country aware.
Yours for property rights,
Annette Schinborn
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