"Private property owners must follow unwritten rules — rules that could change at any moment."
This story provides a good refresher on the concept of 'historical preservation' or 'heritage site protection.'
Both are great-sounding notions that are used to suspend private property rights for the benefit of the 'greater good,' which is another way of saying 'special interests.'
This should be of special interest to pipeline landowners in Canada.
As CAEPLA has been warning, the National Energy Board and its soon-to-be successor, the Canadian Energy Regulator (CER), are a constant threat to your property rights.
And there is a new twist on the 'historic preservation' and 'heritage site protection' strategy favoured by anti property rights special interests.
The CER will be partnering with First Nations activists to tie up farm and ranch land near you -- maybe even your own farm -- if arrowheads or pottery shards are found anywhere a pipeline is being expanded or having maintenance work done.
You can read all about it here, here and here.
We believe TransMountain pipeline landowners will be targeted next, since that pipe is now a Crown corporation and the expansion will be the first project overseen by the new, and more powerful CER.
Expect the rules around these violations of your property rights to continue changing and without notice.
Heritage site activists are not just for city folk to worry about anymore.
CAEPLA will do our best to keep you informed.
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